شنبه 18 اسفند 1403 - 07 رمضان 1446
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Announcing the start and end time of voting for the Nursing System Organization elections

مطالب/ Announcing the start and end time of voting for the Nursing System Organization elections

      Announcing the start and end time of voting for the Nursing System Organization elections Greetings and Regards; Letter No. 14985 dated 6/13/1402 of the Chairman of the Central Board of the Sixth Election Period of the Nursing System Organization regarding the announcement of the start and end time of the election ...
يکشنبه 26 شهريور 1402
Contact us

صفحات/ Contact us

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سه شنبه 19 مهر 1401
آغاز مرحله اول چهارمین دوره فلوشیپ تحقیقاتی EBM و پیاده سازی شواهد

مطالب/ آغاز مرحله اول چهارمین دوره فلوشیپ تحقیقاتی EBM و پیاده سازی شواهد

      آغاز مرحله اول چهارمین دوره فلوشیپ تحقیقاتی EBM و پیاده سازی شواهد مرکز تحقیقات پزشکی مبتنی بر شواهد دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تبریز برگزار می کند:
دوشنبه 26 ارديبهشت 1401
All newly admitted students are supposed to take their courses individually and by themselves

مطالب/ All newly admitted students are supposed to take their courses individually and by themselves

      All newly admitted students are supposed to take their courses individually and by themselves Whilst we congratulate you on your admittance and wish you all the best and success, please kindly note the following regarding newly admitted students course taking; ...
يکشنبه 9 دي 1397

صفحات/ About ICEBM

      About ICEBM
سه شنبه 27 دي 1390
main page

صفحات/ main page

      main page
سه شنبه 3 ارديبهشت 1387